Why Mezzanine Floors Are Great Ecommerce Storage Solutions

Why Mezzanine Floors Are Great Ecommerce Storage Solutions

Why Mezzanine Floors Are Great Ecommerce Storage Solutions

If you have an eCommerce business, this could be a great time for you.

According to Statista, “in 2021, retail e-commerce sales amounted to approximately 4.9 trillion U.S. dollars worldwide. This figure is forecast to grow by 50 percent over the next four years, reaching about 7.4 trillion dollars by 2025.”

The winners in this growing market will be the companies that outperform their competitors by leveraging operational efficiencies such as order accuracy, order presentation, and order fulfillment times.

As I said, if you rely on eCommerce sales, this could be awesome news for you, but have you thought about how to keep up with the increasing demand if you are running out of storage space? 

Making use of vertical space with mezzanine floors is a great way to scale quickly and cost-effectively, maximize warehouse efficiency for your eCommerce inventory and increase your storage space.

Why Mezzanines Are The Best eCommerce Storage Solutions

Ecommerce business owners have to be aware of the operational side of their organization and make sure to have the capacity to fulfill orders.  

Mezzanines can be used to achieve warehouse space quicker and more cost-effectively than traditional methods such as expanding a warehouse or building a new facility. Shelving systems and rack systems can be designed and implemented to increase both bulk storage and picking locations.

Also, mezzanines help you reduce expansion costs, as it is much cheaper to design and install a mezzanine floor rather than expanding your warehouse horizontally or moving to a bigger space. 

Remember that mezzanine floors are built internally without affecting the external walls of your building (in most cases) and therefore planning permission isn’t normally required.

Additional benefits of eCommerce fulfillment mezzanines include:

  • Maximize existing space and streamline operations
  • Increase order processing capabilities 
  • Extend the life of your existing eCommerce fulfillment center
  • Achieve minimal to no disruption during installation
  • Accelerated tax depreciation

The Uses of An Ecommerce Mezzanine 

Building a mezzanine for your eCommerce business doesn’t have to be seen only as a storage option. Even if at the moment storing inventory is your main concern, keep in mind that mezzanine floors have many uses and you’ll be able to leverage your investment for a long time. 

Your eCommerce fulfillment mezzanine can be used as:

  • Inventory storage solution: you can optimize your mezzanine for the installation of shelving systems to store BDC boxes, pallets, packets, etc.
  • Returns shelving: enhance your internal warehouse system by dedicating a specific area of your mezzanine to the storage or repackaging of returned packages.
  • Packing Areas: use your mezzanine for the packing of goods before shipping.
  • High-value stock: if you have higher-value stock items, create a secure business storage area to protect them and lower the risk of theft and damage.
  • Archive rooms: use your mezzanine to store business-related documents.
  • Production: elevate your equipment to streamline operations.
  • Office space: the more orders to fulfill, the more employees to hire. You can leverage your mezzanine to increase office space for your team.  
  • Concession area: consider renting out the space to smaller businesses.


As you’re well aware, keeping customers happy is important. When creating more storage space, you’re able to fulfill orders quickly, and ultimately you enhance your customer service as well. 

Reach out today to work with us to streamline processes and optimize your facility for e-commerce operations while achieving ease and efficiency. When you’re ready to pursue a vertical storage system, our team will be happy to help.