How a Push-Back Racking System Can Help Your Business

Your warehouse needs to be as streamlined as possible. A well-run warehouse is one that has short turnaround times and low operational costs. They are great workplaces because they’re safer and there’s no confusion about who is doing what. One of the most notable aspects of a well-run warehouse is how it uses space. In the past, drive-in racking was the solution because it allowed for a higher density storage system. Push-back racking is the modern answer to this issue.

How Does Push-Back Racking Work?

Today’s challenge is to store an increasing number of pallets in the same space. Traditional racking methods require smaller stacks and more lane-facing racks. Simply put, as the first pallet is loaded from the front, it sits on the first cart. When the second pallet is loaded, it pushes the first pallet behind it one position. This process continues up to six pallets deep.

When a pallet needs to be removed from a push-back rack, the forklift driver lifts the pallet off, reverses slowly, and the next pallet automatically moves forward. This operation is repeated until the lane is empty.

Why Should You Use Push-Back Racking?

A better use of space – With less space dedicated to access lanes, you can devote more square footage to storing products.

Quick to load/unload – With push back-racking, pallets are taken from the front of the rack, so loading and unloading are much faster.

Use last in/first out product rotation – While this isn’t intended for perishable, slow-moving goods, push-back rack systems help keep order in last in-first out systems.

Safer access to products – Fewer access lanes also mean less forklift traffic, making the overall warehouse safer.

Easier access to products – This kind of racking system allows for higher storage density, so it’s easier to organize and store large numbers and varieties of products.

Less possibility of damage to the storage system – Unlike drive-in racking, push-back racking does not require the forklift operator to drive into the system to access a pallet. All pallets are unloaded from the front of the system. This reduces the chance of the operator hitting the racking, which saves you money on repairs.

Less honeycombing – Honeycombing means storing pallets in a way that results in space that’s not usable for storing other items. This is one of the major hidden costs of warehousing. It represents a loss of storage capacity and usually is caused by unsuitable length or depth of lanes.

Mezzanine Distributors Has the Right Racking System for Your Operations

If your warehouse needs a push-back racking system, call Mezzanine Distributors.

The ease of use and reduced costs of push-back racking systems means they will pay for themselves in the long run. At Mezzanine Distributors, our mission is to maximize your storage options with space-saving solutions. Our project managers will work with you to design the perfect layout for your rack system. And best yet, the system can be customized in any way you see fit. You’re left with an optimized, structurally sound racking system that will serve your business for years to come.

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